1) NEVER POSTPONE: if you are postponing something it means you are doing something you don't want to do. It comes to an idea of some people they postpone things and they believe is not laziness, you need to understand that what you postpone is what you don't want to do, if truely you want to do something important to yourself would you postpone it? "NO".
let say you are seeking for job for couple of years and one company call you to bring your application and start the job and you know how the job is important to you, would you postpone it?, So if truely you want success stop the habit of postponing what you need to do, postpone leads to laziness and laziness is the enemy of success, when you are lazy you will postpone what is important to your life, never become that person, never let laziness be your king, don't postpone do it now.
2) WAKE UP EARLY: if you wish to put your life in place and make it to success, do yourself a favor by waking up early and gifting yourself two early morning hours.
Study the life of successful people and you will discover that invariably they are early morning risers. Studies show that such people are better planners because by waking up early you can look at your day and your life and plan better, early risers are more proactive because they have time to understand the problems, thinks of solutions and work upon them. This also make early risers more positive and more optimistic.
Understand that during the day the major frequency from our brain is the beta waves, but in the morning we neutrally go into the alpha state, so your mind is a powerhouse of creativity in the morning, that is why philosophers, thinkers, writers,poets they just love to utilize that precious time.
In the morning the environment has solitude your mind is focused, you have just gotten up, your mind is still empty and when your mind is empty is a grate opportunity to plan something better for your life.
Some people will wake up the first thing they do is to check there messages and notifications on social media, stop that habit, and do something meaningful with your life.
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